Hello and welcome back to the most amazing channel on the
Internet I'm yourhost Rebecca Folgate and today I'm talking about the top 10
scary NASA pictures that should have stayed secret.
Now I love me some space chat space chat is my favorite
chat that being said space is a pretty terrifying place it is the complete
unknown and there have been a number of terrifying pictures taken in space
which kinda need to stay out of public domain although I don't actually really
believe that I think all the pictures on this list are pretty cool before we
get into this list do let me know what your favorite planet is I also love
Planet chat let me know in the comment section down below or so do you make
sure we're always leaving a thumbs up on our videos and sharing them with a friend
cuz you love us we're most amazing.
Number 10
Coming in at number 10 we have a ghost in Cepheus this
looks like a ghost in the ether for sure it's actually a rather mysterious
dusty curtain featuring a very faint reflection of nebula VDB 152 the reddish
tinge you see is ultraviolet light from a star causing a rusty looking
luminescence in the nebula dust described as a cosmic phantom this picture was
released by NASA on Halloween in 2012 and titled a ghost in seppius this
intergalactic ghost is 1,400 light-years away so arguably a safe enough
distance for us to deal with who knows how fast this ethereal dust can travel
though also who knows what this dust is like up close I don't trust it dust it.
Number 9
Come in under the nine we have telescope ghouls whoa whoa
look up at the top of the James Webb Space Telescope do you see what I see and these
the ghosts of dead astronauts or technicians or maybe their alien operations
this photo by NASA's Chris gun is incredible and he has aptly titled it ghosts
and mirrors for obvious reasons so it turns out that the picture taken in the
Goddard Space Flight Center spacecraft system development and integration
facility cleanroom is taken with a super long exposure all the while ultraviolet
lights were being shown over the telescope to look for contamination now the
result is this spooky picture sounds like a reasonable explanation right some
may say to reasonable joking but this telescope may well capture some spook the
images of its very own in the future it's the successor to Hubble and it's off
to explore the universe in March 2021 any Lord of the Rings fans out there stand
up how much does this EXO solar.
Number 8
planet looks like the Eye of Sauron at number 8 like
creepily so did j.r.r tolkien know about the formal Hut when he wrote the Lord
of the Rings in 1937 if he didn't perhaps he
foreshadowed it get a load of this
picture this is formal how to be in orbit around formal halt the exoplanet is
also known as Dagon's an extrasolar object and it orbits the star that gives its
name how far away is terrifying eye formation only 25 light-years the 2012
images from the Hubble Space Telescope are terrifying the name Dagon in
mythology is a Jewish deity that represents a half-man half-fish just a side
note there for you.
Number 7
Coming in at number 7 did NASA capture an alien moon base
and also could they accidentally release pictures of it hmm according to some
conspiracist then yeah they did have a look at these and tell me what you think
is this alien evidence conspiracies YouTube channel secure team 10 claimed that
these images were proof of an alien base on the moon the YouTube channel has
1.7 million subscribers so a lot of people are watching their content their
channel is filled with moon conspiracies and they think that these images are a
smoking gun for NASA UF ologist and hoax busters Scott Brando said that the
images used by secure Team 10 were low quality and low resolution he seemed to
think that the images are just an optical illusion who knows though another
classic from The Daily Express we have alien astronauts caught on camera.
Number 6
Number 6 some think that Mars rover Curiosity captured aliens other things
that it's a widespread conspiracy that humans are already on Mars the first
manned Mars mission is set to begin within the next 10 years but some are
saying that the photos taken by curiosity and published by NASA already show
that there are humans on the red planet some people think that these shadow
images show astronauts working on the rover to repair it others say that the
droids show humanoid-looking alien now the conspiracists say that NASA didn't
realize how much they were showing when the images were released into the
public domain so is it aliens or are humans already up on Mars if so why would
that be hidden from us or do these pictures have a more logical explanation UFO
conspiracies good old Scott see wearing said that this just goes to show the
public that the rover is being maintained by humans on Mars and then there are
other spacecraft kept secret from the public that can carry piss to Mars in
just a few minutes you know what Scott I don't know about that one.
Number 5
Hey these Death Eaters living out there in space terrifying
me at number five the Harry Potter fans in this video will probably be jealous
just freaked out by this as
I am I like them get a load of what is lurking in
the mists of the Carina Nebula to me these are straight-up Death Eaters waiting
to suck out my soul but actually they're supposed to be knots of dark molecular
gas not surf dog molecular gas waiting to suck up my soul right these clouds of
gas surround the great Nebula and Carina which used to be one of the brightest stars
in the sky in the 1800s but now it's significantly faded this maybe lends
credence to my whole sucking very bright okay fine they probably aren't Death
Eaters but still they're spooky this picture freaks me out.
Number 4
Coming into number four we have the hand of God NASA
released this x-ray image of light detected by NASA's Chandra x-ray Observatory
in 2014 can you see why they called it the hand of God it kind of looks like you know so this is actually a
pulsar wind nebula stellar corpse that spins rapidly firing a particle wins NASA
themselves are mystified by the shape alongside the image on their website they
wrote one of the big mysteries of this object is
whether the Polestar particles
are interacting with the material and a specific way to make it look like a
hand or if the material is in fact shaped like a hands now a lot of people do
genuinely believe that this is God's mark in the universe like the eye that
cropped up earlier no I'm not too convinced but I'd love to know what.
You think ah we have a famous Mars picture that caused a
stir at number three we have Bigfoot on Mars Mars is now defunct robot Rover
spirit captured this image in late 2007 who this Rudy knew da in or Bigfoots
either way aliens right this image boosted the life on Mars discussion with
many conspiracists saying that this image was proof NASA explained the image is
simply the pareidolia phenomena this is wherehumans see faces when they aren't
there analyzing spirts image if this was
an alien it'd be pretty small according toPhil Platt of Bad Astronomy website anyway NASA says it's nothing more than a
Martian rock although NASA would say that wouldn't they probably because it is
just a rock right.
Number 2
Coming in to number 2 we have this screaming skull it's pretty
terrifying this screaming skull was another of NASA's Halloween releases this
time from the year 2000 the haunting image was taken from the orbiting Chandra Observatory and is one of
the cluster of galaxies known as Perseus you can see Perseus right here in
x-ray vision the Perseus cluster contains thousands upon thousands of galaxies
so we can't really truly comprehend
this picture it's just much more than a
spooky picture than what looks like a skull it's the lot going on there while
the image is already pretty spooky it gets scarier when you realize that the
bright spot in the x-ray is a black hole not to worry though this scary skull cluster is 320 million light years away.
Number 1
Finally at number one we have a truly iconic and somewhat
infamous picture the
Viking one faces on Mars this is one of the most famous
NASA images out there and has been used as absolute fuel to conspiracy
theorists fire over the past 40 years that was since the picture was taken in
July 1976 this snap was taken by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft and seemed to show
the shadowy likeness of a human face only this face is two miles long taken in
this Cydonia region of Mars the image was sent back to mission controllers at
the Jet Propulsion lab at the time there is one wild saying there was evidence
of an ancient civilization on Mars and the image did quite looked like an
Egyptian pharaoh after all
NASA explained that the image was just a Martian
meso with the sunlight playing Tricks NASA later went back with the Mars orbiter
camera but people simply explain the lack of face that time by saying that was
a cloudy day and the alien detail couldn't be seen I don't know I'm thinking it
probably was just a trick of the light.
So guys that was the top 10 scary NASA pictures that should
have stayed secret. I honestly once again don't think that any of them should
have stayed secret people need to know the mysteries of the universe but do any
of these pictures creep you out I'm glad they're in the public domain but I
have to say the Death Eater e1 and the I of sour on one just made me think whoa
spaces you didn't call them scary but I like that.